EU  ·  ES  ·  FR  ·  EN


Theoretical/practical workshop with Eneka Fernández

For people with publishing projects about to come out.

Dates: from 22 to 24 July
Schedule:from 11h to 14h
Price: 80€
Sign upHERE

*Advisable to bring a computer with InDesign installed


3 sessions. 9 hours in total.



The purpose of this workshop is to get to know the world of independent publications and to learn about basic tools to carry out a publishing project.

Self-publishing will be introduced as a tool both for expression and to disseminate artistic work, analysing the opportunities offered by this format when giving the project shape and importance. Practical work will be carried out, editing the material that students select, turning it into a publication.




The student may analyse and reflect on self-publication, see examples, references, online platforms and discover it as a tool to highlight their project. They will be able to turn the book into a new format to carry out their work, incorporating components that increase its viewership, such as paper selection, size, format, design, etc.




Students must have a project in mind that they want to publish, made up of around 20-30 images (photographs, drawings…).

To start the workshop, students must come with a paper copy of the images with which they wish to self-publish. This need not be photographic paper or high quality, just a copy of each image to be able to work on selection and sequencing.


All students must bring their computer with the InDesign programme.


All images must be 300 dpi and in TIFF format.




Session 1

Introduction of the workshop and the methodology we will be following. Students will be explained how we will be managing our time over the 3 sessions.


Photobooks, fanzines and self-publications. Physical and online examples will be shown, along with consultation platforms.


Presentation of the projects to be published. Students will show the work they wish to put into a book, preferably with paper images, not digital.


We will work on the photographic narrative and the book’s concept. Group debate on the photographic material to be published. Analysis and criticism of work will be encouraged.
First ideas regarding selection, edition, sequencing and format for each project.



Request: in order to begin working with InDesign, each student must bring all images selected for publication on their computer, 300 dpi and in TIFF format.


Session 2


Introduction to layout with InDesign. Document creation, image insertion, texts…
Document creation with final selection, sequencing, format and size.
Basic pre-press ideas and printing types. Preparing material to bring to print.


Session 3


End of workshop. Printing publications. Sewing and binding.
Presentation of publications on paper. Analysis and comments on finished work.
Some information on distribution.



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